Sunday, March 4, 2018

Monthly Recap and Weekly Check-In

February Miles: 71.23
Average Pace: 9:07

Overall, I'm a little disappointed with the number of miles that I ran in February, but I also have to take into consideration stress and exhaustion from work. I missed one long run completely and a couple of other runs due to some pain in my foot and a lot of pain in my shoulder. Hopefully work will slow down a little bit for the next couple of weeks and I'll be able to really stick to my training through March and April. Some good news will follow my weekly check in.

Miles: 19.42
Average Pace: 8:59
Notes: Did a split workout, long run felt great

While I did miss one workout this week and skipped upper body lifting due to ongoing shoulder pain, I felt the runs I did complete were mostly quality runs. On Tuesday, I ran 2 miles as a warm up for a lifting session an then put in another 3 miles after work. My long run (which got pushed to today due to the #bombgenesis) went really well. I also discovered that my GPS watch is not tracking my miles as accurately as it has in the past. For example, my long run today should have finished 8 miles at the DC border, but I had to run up to and past my apartment to hit 8 miles. I could even see on the map that the GPS was cutting corners and sometimes not going the whole way to turn around points. Most of the time, the milage difference doesn't really matter; however, it is mentally frustrating to know a) you are giving a solid effort and b) that a route is a certain length when that doesn't match up with what your tech is telling you. I'm hoping an update will fix some of these issues.

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